Dear Engaged Couple, Children can add a special touch to a wedding. The sight of a spunky little boy all dressed up in a suit, tie, and patent leather shoes is sure to put a smile on even your grumpiest kith and kin. Ditto for a flower girl spinning and primping in her full, mid-calf-length poof of a dress. This may be reason enough to want to invite your nephew and/or niece to take part in your wedding. Best, though to spend some time before your big day thinking through what a wedding looks like from a child’s perspective.

I know this sounds sexist, but it has been my experience, that boys especially, must be primed for the wedding experience. Girls seem to jump right in, enjoying the festivities, and not minding one bit if all eyes are on her. But boys? I won’t say all, but some of them at least, just don’t want to “get with the program.” Their jackets and ties seem uncomfortable. They scratch and squirm and whine. And, of course, there is a decorum that must be maintained. No shouting, running, kicking. From a boy’s point of view, “Who wants THAT?” Occasionally, I’ll spy a little ring bearer off by himself, pouting—at the rehearsal or in the lead-up to the wedding. Many is the time I have heard Mom or Dad giving their ring bearer son a pep talk minutes before the wedding. Occasionally, they resort to bribery….Not good.

Last week, I met with a couple who is preparing the two little boys she and her fiancé have invited to be ring bearers in their wedding. She bought them the book, The Ring Bearer. This hardcover gem can be had for $20.49 from Amazon. Laura Goodwin is the poet and author. The words are simple enough for even the youngest of children, and there are ample illustrations provided by illustrator John Wallace. This writer and illustrator duo have also published another book, The Flower Girl. Both books are cute, cute, cute. Both put a positive spin on what might otherwise be interpreted, for little boys especially, as one of life’s least pleasing moments.
Two other books you might consider purchasing for the children in your wedding are The Best Ever Ring Bearer and The Most Special Flower Girl, both written and illustrated by Linda Griffith. These

books sell for $8.63 from Amazon.
Word to the wise, then—prepare your young wedding party members for their roles, so that they, too, can enjoy your special day!
Happy Wedding Planning!
Your Wedding Preacher for Hire
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